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 Politics Archive 2015

Hillary Clinton trust the voters over the media
by Nathan'ette Burdine: July 16, 2015 

During her first national televised interview after announcing her candidacy for president, Hillary Clinton told CNN’s Brianna Keilar that she “trust” the American voters will see through the insinuations that she and former President Bill Clinton did anything wrong during their political careers.

Clinton said, “I can only tell you Brianna that this has been a theme that has been used against me and my husband for many, many years and at the end of the day, I think voters sort it all out…So I trust the American voter a hundred percent because I think, you know, the American voter will weigh these kinds of accusations.”

After it was revealed that Clinton did not follow the Obama Administration’s policy to keep her emails on the government server, questions were raised about whether Clinton had a separate server for her emails so that she could run a “pay to play system” that rewarded foreign leaders who donated to the Clinton Foundation.

Clinton denies any wrongdoing, but she did blame the media for the unwanted attention she is getting.

Clinton insinuated that the liberal and conservative media outlets share responsibility for the questions that are raised as a result of the media following reports that are not backed by evidence.

Clinton said to Keilar, “I mean, you know, people write books filled with unsubstantiated attacks against us and even admit they have no evidence. But of course it’s your job to cover it. So of course that’s going to raise questions in people’s minds.”

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